Signs of Anxiety & How To Deal With It

Believe it or not, experiencing anxiety is normal. It is often a great motivator and can help us stay focused and on task with what we need to accomplish. Anxiety can be a good thing, except for when it becomes chronic.

Millions of people throughout the United States are dealing with anxiety on a long-term basis. It no longer serves a good purpose at that point and just makes nearly everything more difficult to deal with. Many people will say things such as, "I feel so anxious," when describing how they feel over an upcoming job interview, for example. This is an external factor that is causing feelings of anxiousness or nervousness. After that job interview, though, life will return to normal because the external factor is removed.

Now, imagine a world where these feelings of nervousness (and others) never go away despite there being no external factors. This is what life with chronic anxiety, or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), is like. Let's talk more about it.

Signs of Anxiety

Living with GAD comes with a wide range of physical and mental signs, such as:

Uncontrollable Thoughts

If your mind is constantly racing and you feel one negative thought spiral into a million others, this is where uncontrollable thoughts come into play. They are those pesky thoughts that cycle through our minds repeatedly. And they are the ones that cause you to go down a rabbit hole. Your thought may have originally started as, "What if I don't get the promotion at work?" but then it slowly morphed into, "If I don't get the promotion, I won't make more money. If I don't start making more money, I won't be able to save up for a house. If I can't...." Do you see the connections here?

Excessive Worries

We all worry. There's nothing...well, to worry about if you do worry. That is a natural part of life as we are all juggling a million responsibilities. But, at some point, the excessive worrying turns into something else entirely. We're always looking to the future, but those with anxiety are laser-focused on the future. Why? It helps someone to feel more in control of the future by trying to predict every possible scenario.

Additionally, anxiety just naturally makes you worry about absolutely everything, no matter how small or big it may be. It constantly causes a sense of impending doom.

Other Signs of Anxiety

The problem with anxiety is that it doesn't just cause mental health symptoms. Unfortunately, anxiety can also cause:

  • Racing heart

  • Shallow/rapid breathing

  • Irritability

  • Insomnia

  • Headaches

  • Stomach aches

  • Muscle tension

How To Deal With Anxiety

Anxiety has a way of impacting a person's daily functioning skills, work life, and relationships. Even though it is challenging to deal with, it is possible to live a life that is more free from the grips of anxiety. Some of the best solutions for dealing with anxiety are through the following.


Self-care just isn't a bubble bath or hot shower after a long day. It can also mean getting back to the very basics that a human needs. Nutrition and exercise are important for physical health as well as mental health. They give your body the fuel and energy it needs and, in turn, help your mind. You don't have to do anything crazy as far as exercise goes — even a short walk can help your mind feel refreshed or calmer.

Relaxation Techniques

When anxiety ramps up, it can impact your body's breathing pattern. You can counteract this by using your breath, through deep breathing exercises, to calm your body back down. Additionally, relaxing hobbies such as yoga or meditation can help as well.


If you are struggling with anxiety, you don't have to continue to let it control you. If you are ready to take back the reigns, don't hesitate to reach out to us to learn more about anxiety therapy.

Rhett Reader

If you have any questions regarding how I can help, please contact me.


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